Alan C. Betz, Attorney

Alan C. Betz, Attorney




Estate Planning and Probate – My firm handles Estate Planning matters which is the area dealing with the distribution of an individual’s property at his or her death, taking into account wills, taxes, insurance, property, and trusts so as to gain maximum benefit of all laws and, at the same time, carrying out the person’s wishes. Probate is the court proceeding through which a will is proved to be valid and the estate of a decedent is administered. The process, generally, includes collecting a decedent’s assets, liquidating liabilities, paying necessary taxes, and distribution of property to heirs.

Probate & Estate Administration – My firm represents individuals in Probate and Estate Administration. Probate is the legal process by which a person’s debts are paid and assets are distributed upon her or his death. Lawyers refer to the entity that owns the deceased’s assets until those assets are distributed as an “estate.” Estate Administration includes the probate process as well as non-probate transfers of the deceased’s assets. Individual state laws direct the probate court how to distribute the deceased’s estate. State laws and procedures vary greatly, so, it is important to consult a firm with expertise in this area of the law to ensure that the deceased’s assets are distributed correctly.

Real Estate – My firm represents both commercial clients and individuals in all proceedings and transactions that deal with real property-land and the structures attached to it-including purchase and sale, construction, mortgages and foreclosures, leases, zoning, title examinations, quiet title actions, closings, and management.


Alan Betz

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